Panchakarma Retreat

Panchakarma Retreat with Swara Yoga School

Panchakarma Detoxification

The most natural and thorough cleanse is provided by the ancient science of Ayurvedic Panchakarma. It is the best way to cleanse the body, reenergize the mind, and heal from the inside out. Swara Yoga School creates an idyllic setting for a holistic cleanse in its Panchakarma Retreat. In Ayurveda, Panchakarma is the primary treatment for detoxification and purification. "Five therapies" is the meaning of panchakarma. The following are five treatments that aid in the elimination of toxins from the body: Basti, Raktamokshana, Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, and the combination of these five treatments helps to balance the doshas—energies that control all biological functions—while also removing toxins that cause illness and deep-seated stress from the body. Your body is well prepared and conditioned prior to any Panchakarma treatments through steam therapy, ghee drinking, and massages (pre-PK treatments last between three and seven days).

Pre-operative procedure- snehapana

Snehapana is the procedure that is performed before surgery.

  • When used correctly, Sneha Oushadhas
  • are energizing;
  • improve complexion;
  • increase strength;
  • grow body tissues
  • lessen the effects of the three doshas.
Panchakarma Retreat

Before performing any pradhan karma (operative procedure), purvakarmas (pre-operative procedures) must be carried out correctly i.e Snehana, swedana, and pachana (appetizers, carminative food, and medicine) .Snehana and swedana assist with segregating the doshas from shakhas (extremities) and carrying them to the Koshta (stomach and digestive tract). They (Snehana and Swedana) assume an exceptionally huge and significant part in the Poorva karma (pre-operative procedures) of Panchakarma. Snehapana, or "medicated ghee drinking," is the process of giving a person Sneha dravya, or "medicated ghee," to get the desired effect of shodhana, or "purification" or "toxin removal" (Vamana, or "induced vomiting," and Virechana, or "purgation," or "purging"). Shodhana Chikitsa's Purvakarma applies to both Abhyantara and Bahya Snehana karma. After Abhyantara Snehapana has been completed, abhyanga, or bahya Sneha, is recommended for two to three days prior to Vamana or virechana (depending on the patient). Abhyantara snehapana is managed for at least 3 days and up to 7 days.



Vamana is a medication-based emesis treatment that helps get rid of “Kapha” toxins from the body and the respiratory system. It is excellent for treating a variety of kapha and vata-associated kapha diseases. Vamana is also excellent for treating a variety of skin conditions, issues with the upper respiratory tract, and a variety of ENT conditions. Before Vamana snehapaana, it is recommended to drink medicated ghee for three to seven days, then abhyanga and bhasha Sweda for one to two days, after which medicated emesis is given. Vamana treatment causes the loosening and mobilizing of the toxins and finally elimination.


Virechana (Purgation)

Virechana is a medication-based purgation therapy that gets rid of Pitta toxins in the liver and gallbladder. It purifies the digestive system. Additionally, pitta-associated kapha conditions greatly benefit from it. After virechana, your body is prepared with snehana and swedana (internal oleation, abhyanga, and steam). On purgation day (virechana), the patient is given the medicated paste or tablet containing purgatives around 6-7.30 am. The patient is asked to hydrate himself with warm water, and after some time, the patient will have watery stools (like diarrhea). The days of snehapaana—internal operation—vary from person to person. It is administered a minimum of three days and a maximum of seven days depending on do When these watery stools are halted the patient is advised to take light food (until the system is over no food should be taken)


Basti or vasti (Enema or Colonic Irrigation)

Basti (Enema) is considered the mother of all Panchakarma medicines. It removes the toxins that have built up. Best for all the 3 doshas (body homers) i.e-Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. In a particular order, herbal decoction, herbal powder, honey, and medicated ghee or oil are used to prepare the vasti or basti..Vasti is of two kinds one is with decoction, powder, honey, and so forth and the other one is with sedated oil or ghee. (Nirooha vasti/Asthapana vasti and anuvasana vasti.) . Another assortment is maatra vasti where the oil or ghee amount is lesser than anuvasana vasti. While nirooha vasti, also known as kashaya vasti, is used to treat both pitta and kapha diseases, anuvasana, also known as maatra vasti, is more nourishing and is prescribed for pure vata conditions like neurological and musculoskeletal disorders. Especially for all vata vyaadis, vasti is best for several diseases. Additionally, Vasti is a rejuvenator as well. Vasti can be used as a pain reliever, an anti-obesity agent, and so on depending on the medicines, decoctions, and so forth. During this procedure, the patient is given local abhyanga and steam, asked to relax, and asked to lie on their left side. The vasti dravya (medicine/oil) is administered through his anus with the help of an auto-calved catheter tube.


Nasya (Trans nasal drug administration)

Nasya is extremely beneficial for treating ear, palate-related, eye, and other head-related conditions. Nasya includes the organization of cured oil/juice/powder through the nose to purify gathered Kapha and different poisons from the head and neck locale. In this strategy, the patient is approached to rest on the table, nearby back rub and steam is given (head, neck, back, and shoulder), the head is shifted down, and the medication like cured oil, juice, and so forth is imparted inside the nostrils.


Raktamokshana- Bloodletting.

The process of drawing blood from a vein is called phlebotomy. Also known as venesection. Ayurveda uses medicinal leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) or needles to draw blood. Skin conditions like vitiligo, back pain, knee pain, eczema, psoriasis, skin discoloration, and various blood diseases can all benefit greatly from it. It helps in blood cleaning as well

Duration and stay needed for panchakarma treatments.

Panchakarma therapies are selected and prescribed for each individual based on their condition for optimal results. At Least 3 -6 weeks of stay is exhorted for ideal outcomes. We additionally offer panchakarma for 2 weeks as well

Panchakarma Detox is available to whom?

  • Ayurvedic Panchakarma detox is the primary treatment for all chronic diseases. Panchakarma detox can be done by anyone, even if they don't have any chronic illnesses.
  • Poor blood and lymph circulation as a result of a lifestyle characterized by constant stress and constant fatigue.
  • Dependent on drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, provided you are willing to abstain from them during treatment.
  • Taking prescription drugs for an extended period of time.
  • Having chronic digestive issues, such as constipation, migraine, arthritis, or rheumatism
  • Not getting enough sleep and eating a poor diet.

How will Panchakarma treatment help you?

  • Toxin elimination aids in the restoration of natural biochemistry.
  • In the Prana body, an increased metabolism aids in maintaining energy.
  • Expulsion of Lactic Corrosive from the muscles and joints through normal back rubs.
  • aids in hormonal equilibrium.
  • Appetite, quality of sleep, concentration, and memory are all restored when blood circulation is improved.


Panchakarma is not recommended if you are pregnant, lactating, or have any of the following conditions: Malignant growth of the lungs or testicles, Melanoma, HIV or AIDS, Obesity, Lympho-Sarcoma, Hypertension, Congestive cardiovascular breakdown, Angina Pectoris, Emaciation, any irresistible infections.

Our Retreats

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Yoga Retreat

Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh, India, welcomes you with flexible durations of 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, or 21 days. These retreats offer a serene escape from daily life's hustle and bustle, inviting you to fully engage in the practice of yoga. With daily yoga sessions, leisure activities, and the breathtaking backdrop of the Himalayas, it's a holistic journey that nurtures your mind, body, leaving you refreshed and rejuvenated.

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Ayurveda Retreat

Ayurveda Retreat

According to Ayurveda, our overall health relies on finding a balanced state of mind, body, and spirit. Our Indian Ayurvedic Retreat focuses on a complete detox to reduce stress, boost immunity, rejuvenate, cleanse, and nurture your whole self—your body and soul. This retreat is thoughtfully designed, following the core principles of Ayurveda and yoga, offering you a genuine and invigorating experience.

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Panchakarma Retreat

Panchakarma Retreat

In our busy lives filled with stress, our health often suffers, and we feel exhausted both physically and mentally. Panchakarma, a central part of Ayurvedic medicine, provides a complete healing experience. It's like a reset button for our body's natural energies (called Doshas), helping us detoxify and regain strength. It's a way to refresh and recharge, like a deep breath for our well-being in today's fast-paced world.

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